Treatment for Motorcycle Injuries – Northtowne Chiropractic

By | March 7, 2018

Neck Pain, Left Hip Pain & Left Shoulder Pain Injury – Motorcycle Accident

Case Study #10

Patient: 20 year old male, 5’-10”, 152lbs, blood pressure 114/70mmHg, pulse 66bpm, and 16 breaths per minute.

Mechanism of Injury: The victim was riding his motorcycle at 40mph when a car pulled out in front of him, causing him to lose control of his bike and fall onto his left side. He recalls his body rolled over 3 to 4 times and slid approximately 75 feet. He did not go to the hospital.

Subjective: He reports severe discomfort in his left upper and lower neck rated a 9/10, left shoulder pain as a 10/10 pain and left hip pain as a 10/10. He presents to the office with severe bruising of his left shoulder and left hip and experiences sleeping difficulty due to the pain. His pain worsens with coughing, sneezing, and laughing.  He has trouble walking and standing and using his left arm for routine tasks.

Examination Findings

Visual Inspection: His left shoulder was lower than his right due to the pain and he had a 5 inch abrasion across the rear deltoid with a bruising and swelling among the entire shoulder girdle. His neck appeared swollen in the right paraspinal musculature.  His left hip had a large, dark contusion along with several deep abrasions.

Manual Palpation: His had severe muscle spasms in his left upper and lower paraspinals, hypersensitivity at the left AC joint, and left rotator cuff tenderness.

Range of Motion Assessment: He was able to rotate his head left 45 degrees and right 5 degrees. He was unable to lift or use his left shoulder and passive motion of his shoulder generated severe pain at 5 degrees of abduction.  His hip range of motion was restricted during abduction and adduction.

Shoulder and Cervical X-Rays: Bone density is adequate with no evidence of fracture. There is evidence of a left grade 2 AC joint sprain with noted swelling in the left subacromial bursa. There is a reduction in the cervical lordotic curvature. The disc spaces are well maintained.

Treatment for Motorcycle Injuries

Chiropractic Treatment Day 1: After treatment with an ice pack, vibromassage, ultraviolet light therapy, cold laser therapy, and an arthrostim adjustment to the cervical spine, left hip and left shoulder, his left shoulder pain reduced to a 7/10, left hip to a 9/10 and his neck pain reduces to a 7/10. He could look to the right 45 degrees and left 60 degrees with less discomfort.

After 1 Week of Treatment: His left shoulder pain was reduced to a 5/10 and his shoulder was not as low as before. His neck pain was reduced to a 4/10 and coughing, laughing, or sneezing no longer irritated his condition.  His hip pain was down to 8/10 but still considerably bruised and stiff.

The patient was released on the 6h week of treatment due to improved mobility, strength, and reduced pain to 1/10. His blood pressure was 108/68mmHg.

Motorcycle Accident Doctor of Chiropractic

Many patients who seek our chiropractic services have similar outcomes, with improved ranges of motion, increased strength, improved mood, and normalized blood pressure.

Motorcycle accidents can cause many problems for individuals. Shoulder and neck injuries can be safely and effectively managed under chiropractic care with delicate manipulative therapy, and home care instructions.

Call 614-428-9310 to schedule your motorcycle accident appointment today!