Treat Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow) – Columbus, Ohio

By | February 21, 2018


Hi my name is Dr. Dan Jurus for Northtowne Chiropractic. If you are suffering from a painful condition known as Golfer’s Elbow then we may be able to help.

Golfer’s Elbow or medial epicondylitis is the term used to describe pain and swelling on the inside of the elbow joint. Other symptoms may include loss of grip and pinch strength as well as numbness and tingling in the ring and little finger.

This condition is typically seen in golfers who subject themselves to repetitive stress in the elbow caused by swinging a club over and over again during practice, as well as in live game action.

Treatment for Golfer’s Elbow

Treatment in our office may include several things…one of them is called cold laser light therapy. This treatment increases circulation which brings in oxygen and nutrients into the damaged area to speed up the healing process. It can also reduce swelling stiffness and pain.  See Figure 1 below:

Figure 1. Cold Laser Therapy for elbow pain and swelling.

Another treatment we may perform is deep tissue work to break up any scar tissue in the muscle.  This will help restore any loss of motion and strength in the elbow joint.  See Figure 2 below:

Figure 2.  Deep tissue massage with Star’s RipTool.

The last treatment we may perform is ultrasound. This is a great tool that also increases circulation, reduces scar tissue and speeds up the healing process.  See Figure 3 below:

Figure 3.  Ultrasound therapy.

If you suffer from Golfer’s Elbow or pain on the inside of the elbow joint and are looking for relief, call our office today to schedule an appointment.